©Kirton News 2025

July / August 2011

The Editors Letter

Hopefully summer is finally here. By the time you read this Kirton will have celebrated its Centenary Celebrations, I hope the weather is kind and that there is a good turn out. Have you all got your Recipe books, a bargain at only £8.95?

There is so much going on in Kirton and the surrounding villages, I hope everyone finds something to “whet their appetite”. I myself enjoy walking and love this time of year when I can get out early in the mornings.

Please note, this is a double issue, your next village magazine will be out for September. Enjoy our “summer weather” and I will see you all in a couple of months.


So, just what is going on at ‘The Monk’?

How many times have we heard that lately in the Village?
In the queue at Kesh’s or the Co-op; at the bar in the Peacock, Leisure or the Bull. I’ve heard it. I’ve asked it! Well, Kirton News can now give you a full report. I was asked to meet with Michael Kilby (who recently has taken over the reins). He called and invited me to an interview at The Merry Monk.

Michael is (as the song goes) a very charming man. He is also a very driven and determined professional who will work 25 hours a day, 8 days a week to support a good cause. Michael is convinced “The Monk’ is such a project.

Having honed his craft in catering management over many years in some familiar outlets in London, Glasgow and Edinburgh he is now employed by the owners of the building. Whilst recently working on a project in Rutland he asked if he could ‘pop up’ to Kirton for a couple of days to observe and digest the operation and its “fantastic Carvery”.
“Not knowing the area I was unsure what to expect. I certainly wasn’t prepared for what I found.” He told me.

Having spent a few days in the Monk he commented to the owners that they really needed someone to help the team there. They offered the opportunity to volunteer for this role.....
Mike has been Volunteering ever since.

“I’ve had an eye-opening, and, at times, quite emotional few weeks.” He said.
“The village, and the villagers are great and the staff...! I’ve never met such a loyal, hard working and dedicated team. They deserve a successful business and secure employment; and the village deserves (another) great place to eat.”
He told me the story of the ‘Book now for Christmas’ banner.

“I found it in a storeroom then spent 2 hours ironing it!! and thought, as a tongue-in-cheek statement, it would at least get the message over that we plan to be here for a while yet. Until Christmas, at least; and way beyond that!”
With his hand now firmly ‘steadying the tiller’ he has some issues to address.
“Customers have been dissatisfied lately; some poorly treated and standards have dropped.” He admits. “And there’s been, not least of all, that (now infamous) price hike at the beer pumps.

“The drinks price increase is down to contractual obligations with Marstons, the brewery which supplies the venue. But, I’m trying to negotiate a better deal as we speak. As for the food, we want to give people what they’ve enjoyed in the past: good food, well-cooked - and plenty of it, at the right price.

“Unfortunately, in order to ensure that the quality of the food remains high, any food price increase is measured and we can maintain GREAT value for money, the Beer prices had to move. Some of the beer was very very low in price anyway and is now simply at market average. Though it has looked like one big rise, things should have been going up steadily over the past three years. As with other outlets.”

All the produce at ‘The Monk’ is fresh, locally sourced and, genuinely, home-cooked. “You won’t find a packet-sauce mix or a frozen cheesecake in this kitchen.” He says.
He had a boyish twinkle in his eye, and an (almost) uncontrollably huge grin when he told me of the kick he gets from telling people that one of his suppliers is Paul McCartney and he gets his fresh fish from Peter Kay!
“Great place this, isn’t it?” He repeated.
“Many dishes and sauces are the Chef’s own creations - and there’s more to come. But the core menu won’t change much - unless you want it to, that is.”

And that brings me to the reason Mike invited me to meet with him. He want’s your (our) input.
“I desperately want to give Kirton what it wants; but I need Kirton to tell me what that is. This (the building) is a big space with a lot of potential. We can do things here that the other outlets in Kirton can’t do because of the variety of spaces we can offer. We can do this, not in competition with, but to complement the other restaurants and eateries in the Village. We can work together for everyone’s benefit.

“What food do you want? What entertainment? Would you like a 7-day Carvery? Tuesday Pie-Nights? Thursday Curry and Buffet Nights? Let me know. Literally, come in, ask for me and we’ll sit down and have a chat. I want to hear what you like. Even more, I want to hear what you don’t like or are critical of. Tell me and we’ll do our best to put it right.
“Shall we put on themed Karaoke nights; games nights; special events? I need to know; let’s work together on this!”

Michael is the first to admit that the recently un-certain management situation has left the staff - and the customers - confused and de-motivated; and the ‘product’ has suffered. But that will all change. Statements, I know, that we’ve all heard before but, there’s something about this ‘bloke that - I think - says this might be different. Meet him; judge for yourself. But don’t expect just a quick five minute chat!! I spent well over an hour in his (most pleasant) company and left feeling like I’d been on a roller-coaster. But I left, also, with the overriding impression that he really wants this to work. I’m sure, like me, many of you have frequented the place for Family events, Sunday lunch, receptions, or just a meal out. And I’m sure, in the past, you’ve enjoyed the experience, and want to do so again.
The Merry Monk has been a well-used and well-loved part of our Village community and Michael Kilby wants to keep it that way.

Sam Chapman (Sub-Ed.)

As a footnote:- Kirton News is not in the business of recommending or endorsing local outlets. We regard our mandate as being similar to the good ol’ Auntie Beeb, to entertain and inform, whilst remaining impartial and subjective. We also like to think of ourselves as a ‘soap box’  for any of you to voice an opinion.
Michael Kilby has decided he wants to ‘speak’ to the Village and considers the best way to do it is through our local news organ. We are flattered.
I have done my best to report what he wants you to hear; it’s now up to (the collective) you to say what you think.

News from Kirton Apiary

After the terrible winter we had we were lucky to have 6 hives survive in reasonably good shape. Our unpredictable weather makes unpredictable bees and we have had swarm, after swarm occurring in our garden. They swarmed when they weren’t supposed to till we now have 12 hives dotted around the village. Some are overflowing with life and some very small. In some cases they have multiple queens which is why they swarm. 1 hive, 1 queen only. The new queen flies away with her subjects or kills the old queen. It is all very complex and not as simple as it seems. We have done shook swarms which is literally shaking the box trying to trick the hive into thinking it has already swarmed so it doesn’t do it. Sometimes this works and sometimes it doesn’t - Beekeeping is not an exact science.
If we miss a swarm then we can lose a very productive hive and they may die if they cannot find a suitable new home. It makes for a very busy beekeeper and takes up lots of time.

The early warm spell this year kicked the hives into overdrive and we have lots of honey. We are selling it from the gate as well as boot sales and fairs locally.
Now we are being warned that hives are dying due to starvation which zstarted in the West Country. Bees only visit certain flowers. These have bloomed and died and the next lot isn’t due to appear until late June or early July so from the end of May they have almost nothing to eat. So we leave the bees with a certain amount of honey to live on and we feed them sugar syrup if necessary.

With starvation and disease to deal with the bees don’t have much luck but a good apiarist looks after them like you would any animal in your care. We had the Bee Inspector (Yes, there is such a thing as a bee inspector. Employed by the Ministry of Agriculture, during the summer months, he is paid to check bee keepers both big and small and offer support and advice.) a couple of weeks ago and he delightedly pronounced that everything was in very good order no disease at all, clean and healthy hives.

Honey bees are in decline, almost 50% in America and 20-30% in Europe. We are not doing so badly but we need to help them survive. What can you do to help the British Bee? Keep your garden green for a start and don’t concrete it or pave it. Plant flowers and trees especially fruit trees. Leave part of your garden to run wild and plant wild flower seeds and poppies. A least then we can be sure that they have food. As for disease well, that is up to the individual bee keeper to check and medicate when necessary.

It is not a cheap hobby, we have to buy boxes and frames ( I make my own, it’s cheaper), foundation wax, sugar, medication, special clothing and lots more. Then for the honey, you need a spinner, buckets, jars, labels and of course somewhere to do all this. But the rewards are fantastic; when the honey comes it spins like liquid gold and pours out of the buckets in big golden gloopy blobs. Then of course there are the buyers, people who love local honey in its natural state, unprocessed, untampered with and ever so healthy. Good for hay fever, colds, sore throats, open wounds and baking. Non fattening, doesn’t rot your teeth and tastes beautiful.

If you want any further information, or spot a swarm or just want to taste our honey please call on 01205 722976.

Paul Lanfranco, Apiarist.

Spotlight on Local Business:
LRS: Car & Light Commercial
Repair Specialists

Tucked away down Ropers Lane, halfway between Kirton and Sutterton is a little known oasis for the motorist. Almost 35 years ago, Rob Joyce began work in this area as an agricultural mechanic. He was later joined by his son, Lee, who honed his craft under his father’s expert guidance, later specializing in Pea Harvesters. Some 11 years ago they expanded their business to cover both commercial and private vehicle servicing and repairs.

Working initially as a mobile unit, three and a half years ago they consolidated their business at the unit they presently occupy on Ropers Lane, Sutterton.
This has given them the base needed to expand their expertise. As well as general service, repair and auto electrics, they now specialize in Air Conditioning and Diagnostics at dealer level.

You may not have heard of LRS before but, if you’ve taken your vehicle into another local garage for work on the air conditioning system, or anything that has required the aid of computer based diagnostics - they may have already had their hands on YOUR motor!
Shaun Layton has been a mainstay of the workforce from early days at Ropers Lane; Dan Bowhey has more recently joined the staff and Lee’s wife Rachel (who is the Team Support/Secretary/Girl Friday of the unit) completes a formidable team.

The business is going from strength-to-strength - a refreshing sight in this currently severe economic climate. LRS are a friendly, knowledgeable, approachable bunch, and they're ready for YOUR custom - anytime soon. LRS are at Unit A, Ropers Lane, Sutterton. PE20 2HZ.

They can be contacted on 01205 461 575 or by e-mail at mail@lrs-autorepairs.com; and take a look at their website at: www.lrs-autorepairs.com

Grandmas are extra special!

This is for a very special person, my grandma, Mrs Adeline George. She has been more than a gran, she’s also a friend. Not just to me but all her grandchildren and great grandchildren.

She brought up all the grandchildren to allow her children to study and get good jobs. She didn’t stop there but waded in and helped with the great grandchildren too. She seems to have unending energy and is game for a laugh most of the time.
We have so much fun with her even though she sometimes tells us off. We get cross but we later thank her for her wise words. She’s always ready to advice and console. She’s 90 but still loves a bit of make -up and smart dressing.

Many grans, nans, nanas or whatever you call yours, are doing the same thing today, helping their children with childcare and much more. This is to say a BIG THANK YOU to my grandma, and to all the marvellous grandparents out there.

Happy birthday grandma, Mrs Adeline George, from all your grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

Father Gary Writes..

I am writing this letter on the day before it is due to go to print while I am supposed to be on holiday. This is because although I tried my best to get it done before the commencement of my holidays, too many things cropped up which had greater priority. I also spent a whole morning earlier this week dealing with Church business.

Some may say that I should not spend my leisure time dealing with work related matters and I agree in principle that should be the case. However, I do not regard my occupation as any old job; it is a vocation. When I received my ordination from the Bishop he did not supply an on or off switch. In other words whatever situation I am in I do not stop being a Priest. It is, and always will be, my first priority, which is why I do not take a regular day off but fit one in when I can.

A much loved workaholic colleague who died recently wrote in his own eulogy, ‘I am surprised that my wife never divorced me citing that other woman, the Church.” I could not put it better myself.

Yours in Christ

Father Gary Morgan.

Open Day at
Woodlands Organic Farm

Woodlands Organic Farm, of Kirton, near Boston will be holding a summer open day between 10am-4pm on Sunday 24th July. Admission is free and visitors will be able to meet the rare breed animals (including the turkeys, the Lincoln Red cattle, Lincoln Longwool sheep and our new born curly coat piglets), go on a tractor and trailor ride, and enjoy a barbecue and refreshments made from produce grown on the award winning organic farm.

Attractions will include bread making, cookery demonstrations, arts activities, a wildlife area including beekeeping, bats, rabbits, Aveland Trees and exhibits from the RSPB and the Lincs Naturalist Union, market stalls, a chocolate cake making demonstration, poetry trail, a bouncy castle and more…

Terrier Racing will take place at 2pm with prizes. ALL TERRIERS WELCOME!
‘We’re looking forward to welcoming visitors to Woodlands for what should be a fun day!’ said farmer Andrew Dennis ‘I think there should be something for everyone, including terriers!’

Woodlands Farm practices an open farm policy and hosts school visits for schools throughout Lincolnshire. Winner of the BBC Radio 4 Farmer of the Year 2009 the farm’s Summer Open Days attract over 2000 visitors.
To reach Woodlands follow the signs off the A16 one mile mile south of Kirton Village. For more information contact Andrew Dennis on: 07939 475499 on by email: andrewdennis@woodlandsfarm.co.uk. www.woodlandsfarm.co.uk

Kirton Kids Club

You have to love the English weather! Brollies up, brollies down, sun shades up, sun shades down. At least it keeps us fit and on our toes!
The fact is though – children don’t care what the weather throws at them as long as they can have fun!

Our lovely new cover for the outside area not only looks great but also extends the space the children can access in bad weather.
Paul Dawson has made a magnificent job of the cover and we all thank him for doing such a great job.

The club children sat at the tables the other day when it was warm but raining hard – and were extremely excited by the fact they could be outside but still not get wet! (Mind you I think some of them would have preferred to have been in the rain getting wet!).
The whole of the new outside area has been a total ‘god send’ to the Kids’ Club – staff and children.

It does make you wonder what we did without it. The astro turf enables children to play even when the natural grass is wet and muddy. The climbing tower and slide gives the children the chance to exercise and have fun through play.

And finally the covered space gives the children the chance to bring the inside out and the outside in, in weather we wouldn’t normally get the chance to go out in. It helps protect them not just from the rain but the sun too when it is very hot. They enjoy their snacks and lunches out there too now.

The club is open every morning and after school in term time. The next holiday sessions are weeks three, four and five of the school summer holidays. If you would like more information about any of the club sessions please phone 07583 762072- or pop in and have a chat.

Kirton Brass Band

Kirton Brass Band will be perfoming at Deeping St James Priory Gardens July 2nd for an afternoon of music surrounded by the gardens of the Priory. If the weather turns against us we will be in the Hall. Starts at 2pm.

The Band will at Wrangle Show the next day on 3rd July from 12pm onwards. We are looking forward to being there as we haven’t been at the Show for some years, so a welcome return from us. The band will be also perforimg at Heckington Show on the Saturday 30th in the afternoon. Sunday 21st August will see the band perform at Memorial Park, starting at 3pm.

Boston Classic Car Club Annual Show

The Boston Classic Car Club Annual Show will take place at Graves Park, Skeldyke Road, Kirton on Sunday 14th August. The event will start at 11.00am and run until 4.30pm. Admission: for Adults is £3.00 and accompanied children are free.
On display are hundreds of classic cars & motorcycles, autojumble stalls, trade stalls, charity stalls, refreshments.  Fabulous day out & something for all the family to enjoy.

Frampton W.I.

The June meeting of Frampton W.I.  proved to be not only educational but highly entertaining as well.  We had a visit from Joan Ashton, Marilyn Casey and Adrian Robinson who are Magistrates from Boston. 

Their presentation was most informative and sometimes a revelation.  The members took part in role-play which in part was hilarious, but with a very serious intent.  The members were so engrossed that the meeting went on  far longer than usual.  Refreshments were provided by Rosemary Hutchinson, Anne Bennett, Glenda Middleton and Madge Butler.

Boston Borough Council &
Parish Elections Kirton Ward

To all my family and friends who helped and supported me during my campaign and for all those who voted for me on May 5th I express my sincere thanks.I shall do my best to represent your views and interests at all times.

As chairman on behalf of the Parish Council I would like to thank Mrs Ann Cheer for her continued committment to supply and plant all the flower baskets in the village and also the planting of the additional tubs outside the church this is very much appreciated.

I would like to remind everyone that June is the start of the judging in the best kept village competition so please could we all do our best in keeping the village clean and litter free. Thanks again to all for your support.


Keith and Jen would like to thank everyone for their kindness and support following the death of their Mother, Jaqueline Edmonds. £62.27 was raised for East Anglia Children’s Hospice.


In 1996 John Kirkby founded CAP in response to the tremendous poverty he saw in his home city of Bradford. At the end of 2010, CAP had 150 Centres across the UK, all run in partnership with a local church. Over 400 families each month finding a route out of debt!

Though often hidden, real poverty does exist in the UK and Kirton and the surrounding area is no exception. Debt can be a major cause of this poverty.
Debt wrecks lives by bringing pressure and often isolation. People in debt can often feel a great sense of shame and brokenness, which can alienate them from friends and family. Pressure from creditors can leave a person feeling imprisoned in their own home.

If you want to learn more about CAP and how it changes people’s lives come to Kirton Parish Church on Sunday 24th July at 3.30 when Ellie from CAP will be here to tell us more about CAP and the tremendous work they have already done.and how together with CAP we too can help to break the debt problem.

Don’t forget… CAP Sunday. WHEN: Sunday 24th July 2011 at 3.30. WHERE: Kirton Parish Church. Put a note in your diary, tell your friends and family, come and discover more about CAP or contact Carol on 724507 for more details.

90th Anniversary of
The Royal British Legion

I am writing to you with regards to the 90th Year Celebrations for The Royal British Legion. I am the Kirton District Branch Poppy Organiser and we are looking at Companies in the local area to assist us with fundraising for this special occasion.
On the 28th August we are holding a Tandem Skydiving Jump, we currently have a volunteer keen and interested in doing this jump but he needs to raise the £300.00 to partake, so we are asking local companies to help us raise this amount.

The Sponsorship is in aid of The Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal fund which in this year more than £72 million is being spent to provide assistance for serving and ex serving armed forces personnel and their families.

Along with other armed forces charities including Help for Heroes, £20 million is being spent in the construction of purpose built recovery centres in the garrison centres of Colchester, Tidworth, Catterick and Edinburgh.

If you feel your Company is able to sponsor our member Mr Chris Johnson of Fosdyke (ex Sapper Royal Engineers) or contact myself on 01205 722501.
Thank you in anticipation of your assistance.

A topical poem sent in by one of ours readers after last months article: 'Let’s not make Kirton into Pooh Corner'

Whenever I stroll down a Seascale street

Whenever I stroll down a Seascale street
I’m very unsure where to put my feet,
As I watch for the goo,
And the doggie’s big poos
That are sprinkled all over like some giant loo.
As I edge my way round
Some big pile on the ground
I wish the Dog Warden would take heed and sue!
And the more that I look and I’m sure you’ll agree
There are mountains of turds and rivers of pee!
Deposited there by some cute canine chap
Who knows where I tread when he has a big crap!
And the air that’s around me gets bluer and bluer
As the village is turned to an open-air sewer!
It’s almost as if they all talk, dog to dog,
Disguised as dumb animals chasing a mog!
‘That one’s wearing trainers, with ridges below!
It’s hell to clean off of their carpets, you know!’
For nothing more pleases a simple dog’s wit
Than to hear the familiar cry of ‘Oh, Shit!’
So …………
As you stroll down the street
And glare at poor Rover!
Remember to spare a cold glance for his owner!
It’s him who’s at fault
Not the guy with the tail,
It’s he who won’t pick up his mutt’s canine trail!
With an on-the-spot fine of twenty-five pounds!
A substantial sum when the poo hits the ground.
And the point where it seriously hits the fan?
When they take you to court,
it goes up to a grand!
Pick up after your dog as you stroll
down the street,
It belongs in the bin – not under my feet!

(with apologies to Christopher Matthew and A.A. Milne)


The Registers

Baptisms - We welcome into God’s family:

8th May - Alanah May Wilson & Isaac Peter Hutchinson
15th May - Harry Maw & Jacqueline Edmonds
22nd May - Callum Ryan, Gracie May Holstead & Ollie Jay Nixon
29th May - Reece Jack Kenny, Lacey Paige Holland & Lucas Lee Bemrose

Weddings - We ask God's blessing on:

1st May - Richard & Sarah Feakins - Renewal of wedding vows
22 May - James Erwin Ellis & Jodie May Millington

Funerals - We commend to God’s keeping:

17th May - Jaqueline Edmonds
1st May - Mrs Norah Warnes